Thursday, May 16, 2013

Happy Belated Mothers day to everyone who celebrated it!

Mine turned out pretty fantastic, even though we didn't really do much of anything that I wanted. My whole plan was to go get brunch and exchange presents with my in laws. However, I wanted to go to a cafe, and they wanted to go to a Mexican restaurant (as always). We ended up going there, because we are more than accommodating, these things happen and I suppose something has to give. I, of course, cannot handle really heavy food for brunch/lunch. It was like one, and I really just wanted a sandwich. Just a good ol' fashioned sandwich and coffee. The restaurant we went to was called El Agave, it has really good reviews but has never really done anything for me. The food is okay, the service is wonderful, and their bar is very limited. That my friends, was a compliment sandwich. Well, at any rate, I got the guacamole salad, which is was less than pleasant. Only partly tolerable because there was guacamole on top of it, when they brought it out it was essentially shredded lettuce (the kind you put on tacos) with one, I repeat, ONE tomato slice, and a giant scoop of guac. I immediately regretted this decision. Should have gone for the Mexican Salad instead, at least that one was bound to have more than one tomato on it. 

Before I get into what later happens, I will say that Jose was very late in buying his sisters a mothers day gift. And so while my day should have been a bit more relaxing, I felt rushed and overall stressed about how much money was okay and what to get his sisters. He didn't even really think about getting his younger sister anything because she is currently "just pregnant" with her first. Ugggh, men! They can be so crazy sometimes. 

So following finishing our lunch, we started opening presents. For his younger sister we got a "What to expect when you're expecting" book. She put on a brave face, but I have a feeling she is a bit like me when I was pregnant and hated anything totally baby related. It was so embarrassing for me, and I'm sure that she feels the same way. Its probably very hard for her to accept it, she's still young and this was not something that she planned or hoped would happen. In hindsight, I probably should have picked out a funny book on pregnancy, something light hearted. She also got a maternity shirt and some stretch pants, which Jose totally ruined the moment by calling every thing "Pregnancy shirt!" and "Pregnancy pants! Ha ha, stretch!" I swear  Fani was going to reach across the table and slap him. We got his older sister a wallet and a scarf. I find she's the hardest to shop for.just because I'm not really sure were her tastes are. When I first started dating Jose, they were all kind of into the whole "rock" thing, and out of the three of them, I feel like Dulce has probably kept that in her the most. So I always try to find something edge and punky for her, but it can often be a challenge because I don't really know her like that. She also got some clothes, she's been working on keeping fit, so she is slowly revamping her wardrobe.  Jose picked out the gift for his mom - a coffee maker. Not sure what possessed him to buy one, but she seemed thrilled. I think she also got some clothes, and maybe some jewelry. 

When it was my turn to open gifts, I was pleasantly surprised. I think Joses family is starting to really get what my tastes are. In previous years, I had gotten stuff that I didn't really have anything to do with, and I would feel badly when those things sat unopened for long periods of time because it was nothing that I could use. But on Christmas they surprised me with an amazing pair of boots that I basically wore out during winter, I loved them so much. And that's how it was with this. I got some a dress, a peplum shirt, one of those short long shirts (it didn't have sleeves, blah, but that's okay its still awesome), an amazing hand painted wine glass, and a hair straightener. Which I guess since I asked to borrow one from Fani, she thought I would enjoy it. It was totally great. But Joses gift has got to be one of the most awkward moments of all. I open up the bag and I see a big floppy sun hat. And that's when that awkward moment hits and you realize that your husband has just bought you the same gift you bought your mom. That's right ladies and gents, I also bought my mom a sunhat. Her is slightly bigger, slightly flopper and is blue. I don't know why I felt the need to get her a hat other than I knew that she would enjoy it, and I guess hubby felt the same about me. 

After dinner, younger sister in law and mother in law decided they would join us for the Iron Man 3 movie, which hubs has been dying to see. We stopped by my mothers and gave her a gift, and she offered to take Ducia off our hand for the movie. Which was so nice of her. I'm really happy that she enjoyed her hat too. She usually gets awful summer hats, and they just do not work in her favor at all and she seemed genuinely happy about the hat and necklace I had gotten her. Which made me happy as well. I have a feeling though, that she would enjoy the hat I got more than she enjoyed the hat that I had gotten her. LOL. Ducia has been getting really attached lately so even leaving him at my moms is resulted in a mini break down. Of course when we come back to pick him up, he doesn't want to leave. 

Iron Man 3 is such a mediocre movie. I'm really not sure what all the hype is about. For me, it was pretty much exactly like the last two movies. Neither one of them that memorable. I do enjoy how this movie really focuses on the love story between Pepper and Tony, and I do like how they manage to bring in The Avengers movie through references of why Tony is having such a hard time dealing with things. Plus, I always love Starks puns. Puns in general are pretty bad ass when done by super hero's, but I feel like Robert Downey Jr just really kill 'em. I think I have to say my favorite avenger is Captain America. I'm really "eh" on all the others. Even though I really did enjoy Thor, and I think the guy who plays him is - in a sense: yummy. I really did enjoy and feel bad for Loki than anyone else. I do love watching all the independent movies that come out about the specific superheros, granted not all of them are good movies, but I was never a super fanatic of comic books so I feel like I am more flexible about what the movie does. I mean, a movie has to be really bad for me to hate, like Marie Antoinette starring Kirstin Dunst bad. So the movie pretty much brought an end to my night, I decided to dye my hair and in the middle of my shopping trip was alerted that my best friends birthday was the following day. So, now I have to scramble and pick her up a late birthday gift. Although we did end up going to a bar on Monday to hang out, and a movie and pizza at her place after that. 

On a totally unrelated note Ducia has a "graduating" ceremony on Monday from his Head start school. That should be pretty exciting. He's really starting to open up, and it sucks that he just started in February but due to budget cuts they will be closing the school. Which brings me to the awesome fact that the gym we just signed up for two months ago, is also closing. Our contract was taken over by Club Fitness, which I think is way cooler, so in  a way, this loss was a good one. :)

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