Thursday, May 9, 2013

Lost treasures.

I feel like this week has been so busy. I had a conference call with early intervention for Ducias speech therapy, he is three and showing signs of verbal dyspraxia. While he can speak, he has trouble stringing together actual words, and cannot say quite a few sounds properly. He's been seeing a speech therapist for quite some time now and has improved since then. Well, the headstart that he is in, unfortunately suffered in the hands of the budget cuts congress voted on and will be closing at the end of the year, which means that we have to find another head start for him to go to. He's only been going to this school since February, and they only recently screened him and thus over the summer I'm suppose to keep in contact with early intervention so they could help him out when we decide what school he'll be attending next year. On top of that, we have our first home visit with one of his teachers tomorrow, which is horribly unnerving. At least for me. I am horribly socially awkward with people I don't know, and I'm not 100% sure what to expect out of the visit in the first place. Which is why I haven't really written anything lately. 

But otherwise, its been a pretty nice week. We've had great weather, it was suppose to rain all day today - but its now 72 and only cloudy. Plus today I got my mothers day gift that Ayden made in Headstart, which just so happens to be a plant.

Yesterday was pretty amazing, it was in the higher 70's and I dragged Ducias truck from our basement so he could play outside. Since we haven't really made any real effort outside of going for walks to spend any time playing outside.

He later was joined by the little girl who visits her grandmother next door.  I also got to clear out his room yesterday and give Ayden his hair cut, so all in all, I felt like it was a pretty productive day. The most exciting piece of news I can think of though is that on Tuesday while cleaning the living room I found my lost engagement ring. I had lost my engagement ring about a year ago, although I could have sworn I left it in the kitchen, and Jose claimed that I accidentally tossed it (boy, was he mad!). I spent months, literally looking everywhere around our house trying to find it. Eventually I gave, and didn't really give it more though, other than I guess Jose would have to buy me another engagement ring at some point. But I suppose it ended up being best that it was "lost," because if I hadn't lost it, I would have looked for a wedding band to match the ring instead of getting the band that I have now. Which I totally love. As I was cleaning the living room, I noticed that Ducia knocked this CD case on the floor and it happened to land a little bit under the computer table legs. And while I was picking it up, I noticed a ring laying on the ground. It took me a minute to place it, because in the back of my head I thought, "Hmmm, who's ring is that? Mine are all put away...." until it clicked and I exclaimed, "OHMYGOD! I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!" I ran to Jose put it in front of his face and told him promptly, "See, I didn't loose it, it was just hiding from me!" 

I was so totally ecstatic about finding it! It needs a good cleaning, and the blue topez seems to have have a crack in it, but all of the diamonds are still in place and none of them look like they are loose. So I'm pretty happy about that. The topez is pretty replaceable (we actually had to replace it a couple of years ago, because it ended up having a crack in it too) so I'm not too worried, and you can barely tell that its there anyway. 

I did do my nails, for which I was going to post a tutorial, but I didn't take pictures during, and for some reason it seems like a silly thing to post about, but since I'm going over my week, I might as well. 

I have been obsessed with gold tones on coral. For some reason it reminds me of wall paper I had back in Russia, and I've just been wanting to do something with those two colours (perhaps paint my walls?). So I went with leopard print nails. I found that leopard print is extremely easy to do when it come to nails. It just requires a sewing pin for you to use (or you can use a dotting tool). So, the base coat is a coral colour which on LA Colors is called "Ballerina." Using the circle at the end of the sewing pin, I dipped it into the gold colour (called "force") and dotted my nails. Since my sewing pin was pretty big, I only ended up dotting it about four or five times on my nails. If you use smaller sewing pins you can always end up with more. After that is dry, all you do is use the pin side to half trace each circle by a black polish. This doesn't have to be perfect. It can be longer on one side than the other, some black polish may extend a little beyond the circle, anyway, it ended up looking nice. Although I never have nail polish for long because it seems just when I am doing nails, I have to do something else including my hands. Like washing dishes. And it all comes off rather quickly as its not nice nail polish. 

I also received a product for review called "Amdro" 

Its a spray, for killing weeds and pests. It came with five sample bottle: Indoor Pest Control, two Weed and Grass killers, Lawn Weed Killer, and Outdoor and Perimeter control. I started using it yesterday, and let me tell you. You have to fill that whole gallon thing up! It is ridiculously heavy to just lug around. And probably much like a lot of people, I forwent reading the instructions on how to put it together. So it took me a bit to finally assemble it correctly, lol. The nozzle was kind of hard to pop into place and for a bit I was scared I was going to break it if I unfolded it too hard. But I started using it last night, the spray takes a bit to start pumping out the spray. I started with indoor pest control, and the directions said not to spray until the point of run off, but because the spray is more like a steam it was kind of hard for it not to collect in some crevices. Our biggest problem area would have to be the kitchen. Our sun room is coming apart from the house (its getting fixed within the next two weeks) and since its right next to the kitchen, its very easy to get bugs inside. I really can't wait to try the Lawn spray, Jose is going to have to do that though. There is just no way that I am lugging that thing around in our yard. LOL. Otherwise, use was surprisingly easy and the spray had no lingering smell, like a lot of pest control products do. 

Finally last, but certainly not least, Jose got me a Galaxy S3. Just came home one day and told me it was mine. I suspect this is his way of sucking up to me. We are switching phone plans later this month, and Jose wants to get the new Galaxy phone which is around 600 dollars and totally crazy to me. I don't get the hub about touch phones, I have a very modest pink flip phone that I just love. And after using the Galaxy S3, I'd still rather have my LGlite. And just use the Galaxy as a iPod kind of thing. Otherwise, I don't have Internet on my phone and don't really see a point in having all these gadgets that require it (I'll only be able to use it when there is wifi around). And its HUGE! How do people carry these around in their pockets?! This obviously means that I will have to buy a new purse!

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