Friday, June 14, 2013

In the bright light of day: Man of Steel.

I don't even know even know where to really start with Man of Steel.
If you like extremely long movies, this movie is perfect for you. This movie runs a whopping two hours and twenty minutes long. Much like the recent superman movie, there was a quite a bit that could have left out to make the film shorter.
I felt like the movie was a bit all over the place, and didn't have an exact direction (was this going to be an origins story? Was it going to be a Lois and Clark story? Was it going to a deeper look into Clark Kents human side? Would this include Lana?), even though it had a pretty solid plot.
Most of the fight scenes seem to drag on. Anyway, I'm not going to dissect the whole two hour plus long movie. It wasn't so great and the story line could be easily followed by anyone that has any sort of knowledge about superman.


                                                              Spoilers ahead.

Movie starts off on Krypton. We get to see Laura and Jor El, having a natural birth. We later find out that Krypton is dying, and Jor El is trying to please his case to the higher ups for salvation. All the while Zod is participating in a coup. Jor El escapes from Zod, after getting a codex (Maybe its Kotex? At anyrate, it keeps all of the genetic information for the kryptonians) flies home and him and Laura prepare to launch Kal El to earth, they store the codex with the baby. Zod attacks their home,
and attempts to stop the launch, it happens anyway and Zod kills Jor El. Zods team is them stopped and sentenced to the phantom zone. We then see the end to Krypton. Jor El was right, they over extended their resources, and they were done for. Laura, of course, dies.
Now we jump to the future and we see that Clark is working odd jobs, helping people whenever he can, using an alias. He is suppose to be looking for him self. Through this whole period we get to see flash backs of Clarks childhood, how he was raised, how it felt when he first started to get his power,
how he saved people even when he was younger, ect. At one point, Clark hears that the government found something under the ice, I believe in the arctic, and he gets himself a job there. This is where we are introduced to Lois Lane. Clark is there to retrieve the ship, Lois sees someone leaving the camp during the night and obviously follows him. Drama ensues as Clark has to save Lois from some the ships defenses. He does get to meet his father though. Anyway....he saves Lois, ditches her close to the camp and flies away with the ship. Lois attempts to publish the article she wrote on the experince but Perry White, tells her that it is a no go.

So Lois sets out to backtrack her leads trying to find out who was the mystery man who saved her. All the while Clark is learning about who he is and why he is on earth and what happened on Krypton. Eventually Lois finds that Clark is indeed an alien, and meets with him. She basically backs off the story because she agrees that the world is not ready to know that we are not alone.
But its far too late for that, for when Kyprton was destroyed - Zod and his army were released from the phantom zone and floating a drift on a ship from out to outpost looking for signs of life, they received an emergency call when Clark activated the ship on earth. Anyway, Zod tells Earth, that they either surrender the alien or he will destroy them all.
FBI goes after Lois because she knows who he is, and of course are trying to locate the mystery man. But Clark being the man of caliber, hands himself over very willingly, but tells the army that this probably isn't the end of Zod. And surprise! Its not. Lois is taken on the ship along with Clark, Clark finds out that Zod plans to rebuild krypton on Earth and plans to kill all the humans.
Lois ends up getting Clark out of a jam because she had his key, which calls for Jor El, and he talks Lois out of the ship teaches her how to send Zod and everyone back to the phantom zone. So, Zod sends ships to Earth and destruction begins, tons of destruction. Like mounds and mounds of it. Along with that, Clark is fighting some of Zods army men. So, this goes on for a good part of the movie.
Clark and zod beating each other up. Clark and some of Zods officers beating each other up. The Army firing on all the aliens, even though its obvious that bullets and rockets (yes, rockets) aren't doing anything. In the end, obviously, they send Zods army back to the phantom zone. Zod is left alone on earth, with no ship and his plan destroyed. Him and Clark fight some more, and unlike in a lot of movies, clark ends up killing Zod after he forces his hand.
Obviously, superman is distraught over it, but he had to do what he had to do. We then see Clark take up a job at the daily planet because he thinks no one will question him if he goes into face danger. He also tells the army that he is the good guy, they'll never find his lair, and that he is "as American as it gets" so there is no need to worry about his rebelling against humans.


Was that really worth two hours? No. But it had some cute moments through out, like when the army arrested Clark and put him in handcuffs, how adorable. Or when Lois and Clark first kiss and Lois exclaims, "I heard after the first kiss its all down hill!" and Clark replies with, "I think that only applies to humans." Or when Clark shows up at the daily planet and him and Lois instantly recognizes him, even though he's wearing glasses (which totally change your face, right? RIGHT?!).

They could not have picked a better man to play Superman. Henry Cavill looks so much like an all American country boy (though he is not). He reminds me a bit of Tom Welling, and does an excellent job.

Amy Adams on the other hand, has none of the charisma of Lois Lane. She just didn't fit for me. I don't know all of the ladies that played Lois Lane, and I have yet to see the Supermans with Margot Kidder as Lois, but I loved Teri Hatcher and Erica Durance as Lois. Both of them, nailed the role. Both were very determined young ladies, although in Smallville Lois is much more self sufficient. So, Amy Adams had a lot to measure up to, and she just didn't meet it. She doesn't have the "it" factor and even when she tries to be hard and determined, she comes across as soft spoken and its looks totally out of character for her, in my honest opinion.

So, all in all, the movie was a bit of a let down for me, although I think, ten times better than Superman returns. My husband was disappointed as well, but I think that has a lot to do with his love for Smallville more than anything else.

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