Monday, June 3, 2013

Weekends are almost always fun.

So this weekend was a pretty good weekend for us. And it only continues to look up for Monday! It hasn't been very warm lately, and we had a tornado warning which ended up with us spending thirty minutes in the basement on Friday, with lots of rain to follow (and flash flood warnings!). We live in the city, so usually bad weather doesn't strike directly here, but more in the outer counties. Some of my friends lost power this last tornado warning, and prior there was a small tornado near their home (thankfully, everyone was perfectly fine and the house suffered very little damage).

So this weekend has was plagued by storm clouds. As always Saturdays are spent grocery shopping with my mother, and since I haven't had a chance to try Amdro on our own lawn, I asked my mom if she would mind if I used hers. We used the weed and grass killer spray for the cracks on her sidewalk, and her steps. I'm pretty sure she's really excited to see if it works, because the weeds/grass is totally over growing in some areas. And of course Ducia wanted to help, so we did our best to let him help. We also ended up making so Cherry perog (russian pie). Although, I much prefer the egg and cabbage perog, yummy. It seems as soon as I start to swear off sweets my mother finds ways to sabotage me. Not that I mind, I love russian sweets. Then when we got home, we spent a bit of time with hubby watching a little bit of storm chasers and snacking on Parmesan bread balls since Hubby decided he didnt want to fix himself any dinner.

Sunday while hubby went to see a car show, Ducia and I spent some time playing outside and cleaning the house, only to find out when hubby came back that we would not be able to see a movie because it had gotten a bit late, so instead we decided to go to grab dinner and go bowling. This was Ducias real first time bowling, as I'm a big hesitant with him being so little. But he seemed to have fun, the kids got bumpers and a big metal slide thing to push their balls off of. What I learned from that - is that we are all pretty bad at bowling. LOL. I got all gutter balls for the first four rounds. And I still ended up tying at with hubby at 70. His sister beat us by two points. Her last turn was the luckiest, first she got a spare which got her an extra turn followed by a strike! We also spent a while in the arcade section of the bowling alley. Not much to do for kids though, which kind of sucked. The kids mostly stuck to shooter games and some racing games, while the rest of us competed in basket ball throwing game, and air hockey (in which I dominate, ha ha). Ducia was absolutely tired on the way home, and fell asleep as soon as we got back.

But today, hubby is getting off of work early so we can go see Epic and hit the gym. We belong to two different gyms for a while, but have recently canceled one and started going to the other. Although Hubby didn't go at all last week, he swears he wants to go to the Zumba class they have there on Tuesday afternoons. We shall see how all of that goes.

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