Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Walks and early morning packages.

Since my youngest goes to head start, I've taken to walking the dogs every single morning. Which is great! Its not every day that I get time to myself, and the dogs seem to love it. Only today, I took a route that I would usually skip over but decided to take it so that I could extend the walk. But on the way home, I stumbled upon a very tiny, newly hatched baby bird. It was alive, and struggling against the ants that were on it. I, for the life of me, could not leave it there. So it was quickly picked up, gently brushed off and I started searching for its nest somewhere near by. I was hoping I could just set it back it there, but either it was too high up, too cleverly hidden or it just wasn't there. (And before anyone thinks that I shouldn't have touched it because the mother would have rejected it - that is a common misconception.) So home with me it went. Unfortunately, I do not drive, it scares me so my husband would have to be the one to drive me down to our local wild rescue center, or our local wild bird sanctuary. But he had to be at work early today, and wouldn't be able to take me until the afternoon. So, off I went to try and find a heating pad and to fill up a glass jar with hot water. I started looking on one of the bird rescue sites about what I could do to make the bird more comfortable, if I should offer it some water from a syringe and what I could possibly feed it, if it got hungry. About two hours into my rescue mission and looking up, emailing, and calling all the places I could find the baby bird passed. I'm still upset about it. I am not one to walk away from wounded animals and more than once it has gotten me in over my head. I rescued baby bunnies when their mother was killed by either a dog or a cat, I've rescued cats, one of whom had to have his eye removed because the infection was so bad, I've even attempted to rescue a puppy. However, he was too far gone for us to do anything and it was just probably the most awful experience ever. At anyrate, that was my pretty horrible and distressing morning. 

But a good thing did, indeed come along with the mail this after noon. My trial of TIGI Bedhead stuff came! I got a whole bottle of "Straighten out" which apparently a hot iron cream, which can help your hair stay straight for up to 48 hours (even 98%) humidity! I don't know how much I'll be using that, as I own no straightening irons (my hair is almost pin straight anyway) but it says that it works well with blow dryers as well. So we'll see. It smells very clean though, smells a lot like grapefruit. 

The shampoo and conditioners came in little packets, I have enough for three uses of each. And about six uses if I don't use the whole packet (my hair is neither long nor thick). I got "Elasticate" which has protein and elastin in it and promises to make your hair strong and breakage resistant. 

The other is called "Recharge" and it boasts having antioxidents to give your hair high octane shine. 

For some reason the uploader is having problems uploding pictures from my computer. Blah. But at any rate I can't wait to give them a shot.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Live Colorfully - strong and sweet

On Tuesday was a friend of the family going away party, so I figured then was the time to try out the sample of "Live colorfully," which is a new fragrance by Kate Spade. As I had mentioned before it was truly a small sample, so I wanted to wait for the appropriate occasion, since I am not much of perfume gal.

Well, on Tuesday I got an excuse to try it. I actually put it on in the morning just to see how long the smell would last. Let me start off by saying that this perfume has a very floral scent. If I had to compare it to anything, I would imagine it would be the smell that you associate with being on an island just FULL of tropical flowers. I didn't have to use very much to get the desired smell. During the evening there was a lot of laughter, drinking, dancing, things that one would normally do at a party and expect the perfume to wear off. However, I found that upon waking up in the morning my husband making a comment about how nice I smelled. And he was right! This perfume literally lasted all day and into the next. 

I don't know if I would personally purchase this perfume. I was not thrilled about how strong it smelled, and it gave me somewhat of a headache when I first put it on, but as time worn on, the headache went away. However, I was pleasantly surprised that the scent lasted that long. So if you're looking for length of wear this is totally something I'd recommend. And if you enjoy floral perfumes, this is doubly for you. I think that since this perfume is so strong, one would have no problem purchasing a small .34 fl oz bottle ($24) and making it last.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sunday, Monday late post.

Happy belated Earth day! 

I'll probably upload pictures of what Ducia and I did yesterday sometime this week.
But today, I think I'll blog about Sunday and ThurtenE Carnival. Which was super fun. My son has developed a love for taking pictures, its really funny because he will just about take pictures of everything. And instead of asking for the camera, he will look at me and say "Mommy, cheeeeseeee!" Its probably the cutest thing I've ever seen. Anyway, Sunday was suppose to be a pretty busy day for us, but instead we all decided to sleep in and upon waking up rushed off to meet my inlaws at the carnival. It ended up being a really nice day, a bit windy which made it a bit chilly, but otherwise it was pretty awesome. My niece, much like my son LOVES to go on rides. Its too bad he's still too small to ride most of them. But besides rides we had face painting, and were able to snag ourselves some funnel cake, (so delicious) and enjoyed some good old people watching. By the the time we were ready to leave Ducia was pretty tired of having me snap so many pictures of everyone.

I'm so excited that summer is right around the corner, because for me, it means more events like this. There is so much to do in the city during the summer, so many free things. I'm mostly looking forward to going to the Muny, this year they have Shrek the musical coming, which Jose is dying to see. And live at the levee, which includes Trace Atkins, Bret Michaels, and Counting Crows! I really wish my best friend (who moved to AZ a few years ago) was here to share summer with us. We used to go to Live at the levee all the time. So I really end up missing her during the summer time. Today is super rainy, so its doubtful that anything fun or very productive will get done today, but here to hoping! Maybe I'll just start painting the bathroom myself. 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

My very (un)eventful Saturday.

Today was a relatively beautiful day outside. It started out being chilly and went up hill from there. It wasn't especially eventful, although I did get a sample of the new kate spade perfume "live colorfully." Its a tiny sample, so I'm thinking about saving it for another time. Perhaps tomorrow. 

At any rate, Saturdays are the days that my son and I, get together with my mother and hit up the local farmers market. I decided to bring my camera along, although it ended up getting taken by my toddler and used as he saw fit (these few pictures are compliments of him). 

One of my favorite things about Saturday, is being able to enjoy shopping with my mom. We only see each other once a week, so we usually end up grocery shopping, and eating dinner with her and her significant other. 

I just love hanging out in Soulard where our Farmers Market it. The people are so nice and friendly. I don't think one person minded that my child was snapping pictures left and right (seriously, I ended up with like 500 pictures on the camera). There is a ton of bars, and quite a few playgrounds that are around this area. A pet shop too!

When I first moved to America, the pet shop was were my mom usually left me, as she shopped around the market place. The owner and I got along really well, and I loved helping out with the animals while I was there. Now, before anyone freaks out I was probably around 8 or 9 when my mom left me by my self, and the shopping gets done in under 20 minutes, and since we were all friendly with each other, my mom (nor I, looking back) thought there was any kind of danger there. 
Anyway, I miss being able to spend time with animals like I used to. And I'm pretty sure Diane is going to be retiring soon, and who knows what will happen to that quaint little pet shop?

But anyway, being that the beautiful day that it is. When we all got to my mothers, we unloaded and my mom decided to take Ducia outside with the cat and rabbit. For dinner, we were suppose to make golubtsy, but since they came in around seven, it seems unlikely. Which is a damn shame.
Because I'm pretty sure Ducia would have loved one, and I'm sure my husband would have enjoyed them as well. Anyway, usually we always end up eating dinner together, but I suppose since the plan for today was just a drop and go - that ended up not being the case. So I decided to indulge myself in some potato perogi, while Ducia had pizza rolls with decaf Chai tea (eeeeccckkk!). Our laundry machine broke a while ago, so I find myself spending excessive time at my mothers on weekends catching up on most our laundry. We're suppose to get a new machine in the next month, but things always seem to come up with the landlord, and bless his heart, Jose doesn't want to step on any toes. The woman we rent our townhouse from is super nice, but really doesn't handle any of the repairs and the man that does is often, a flake. So here I am, listening to my laundry dry from down stairs and enjoying a glass of Shiraz. 

Tomorrow should prove to be a far more eventful day. We're suppose to repaint our bathroom, check out the gym we joined yesterday, and possibly start painting our living room, if Jose ever gets around to sanding the wall filler. Plus, tomorrow is the ThurtenE Carnival tomorrow with my inlaws (while my mother checks out the botanical gardens, jealous!) which should be a lot of fun. Its suppose to be at least 66 tomorrow, which means light sweater weather. I'm pretty excited.

 On a very final note, while at the Market, I saw the cutest little dog. Her tail and ears had been dyed pink! I have been looking into pet safe dyes for a while now, and I recently learned that using kool aid, is pretty effective in dying a dogs hair. I've been thinking about streaking my Pom's hair. I'll see if I go through with it this week.

Friday, April 19, 2013

First post, in what is hopefully a lot.

Well....apparently making a blog is way harder than it was five or so years ago. I suppose this is just one of those things that you kind of have to get used to doing again. 
Playing with the background. Setting up a profile. Getting excited about the blogging. Finding words to say.

Anyway, I've decided to give blogging another go. In part because I feel like I needed to have a place where I could write some mundane things about my life. Maybe share some of the stories. So on and so forth. And in part, so that I could write reviews for products that are sent to me through Bzzagent, as well as a few other samples I may get. 

The first thing that I will be reviewing are a couple of Bed Head products by TIGI. I'm excited and looking forward to doing this. As soon as they get here!